Sunday, 30 October 2016

Technology - Distinction post 6

On Tuesday the year 7/8's went to technology at Lincoln primary school. We started our last pentad science. When we got their we all lined up outside the classroom and the teacher explained some rules about how he runs his classroom. As soon as we got into the classroom we sat down and filled out a sheet that would help the teacher learn our names fast while he talked to us about the periodic table and newtons third law. Then we glued some sheets into our books and headed off to mandarin. Once we got back from morning tea the teacher talked to us a little bit then we started on our water rocket project.

I showed the care value of active thinking by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my hand up lots to answer questions.

I showed leadership by trying my best during the word find.

I was a role model by when the bell rang for the end of morning tea I went straight back to class.

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