Sunday, 30 October 2016

Kapahaka - Distinction post 8

On Friday the year 4 - 8 students had kapa haka. Once the year 7/8 students had been let go from class I went to Natasha and Sophie and started walking over to the hall foyer with them. Once I got to the hall foyer I took my shoes off and sat them down on a seat. Once I got to the hall I went and sat down in our lines facing the stage. The first song we started singing was Ka Wiata, everyone already new this song as we sing it in Te Reo lessons, but we also added some new lyrics at the start of the song, and started to practice these lyrics. After this we started going through Tenei Matau. Once we went through this once we realised that we had all forgotten the actions to this new song. After this Matua went through all of the actions with us again as he had noticed that most people had forgotten them.

I showed the care value of community by being aware of others and making sure I didn't bump into anyone while I was moving around inside the hall.

I showed leadership by respecting others right to learn by walking quietly on my way to the hall.

I was a role model by trying my best the whole time.

PALs - Distinction post 7

On Thursday Maddy and I ran sprints and relays for the kakano kids. At the start of lunch we made sure we had the batons for the relays, the clapper to start the races and lots of pozis. Once we had everything ready we headed out onto the field where the start of the sprint track is and waited for some kids to come. Once a couple of kids came we got a few races going until their were to many little kids for individual races then we made relay teams. Once we had done quite a few races as relays a kid asked if we could go back to sprints so we sorted them out into lanes and ran some races.

I showed the care value of excellence by even when some of the little kids weren't listening and things weren't going exactly as planned I showed resilience and made it all work out.

I showed leadership by handing out pozis to the winners and to the kids that were trying their best.

I was a role model by cheering for all the little kids and giving them a hand if they needed some help.

Technology - Distinction post 6

On Tuesday the year 7/8's went to technology at Lincoln primary school. We started our last pentad science. When we got their we all lined up outside the classroom and the teacher explained some rules about how he runs his classroom. As soon as we got into the classroom we sat down and filled out a sheet that would help the teacher learn our names fast while he talked to us about the periodic table and newtons third law. Then we glued some sheets into our books and headed off to mandarin. Once we got back from morning tea the teacher talked to us a little bit then we started on our water rocket project.

I showed the care value of active thinking by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my hand up lots to answer questions.

I showed leadership by trying my best during the word find.

I was a role model by when the bell rang for the end of morning tea I went straight back to class.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Athletics - Distinction post 5

On Wednesday we had the kauri athletics. Straight after moring tea the whole kauri team headed out onto the field. Once we were all on the field and sorted into gender and age group lines Mr Forman talked to us for a little bit then The Head Boy Jack and the Deaputy Head Boy Dylan officially opened the 2016 kauri athletics. My first event was long jump, we all lined up into our number order and had a practice jump than afeter that we each got two jumps and tried improve our distance in the second jump. Once we had all done our two jumps we all sat down and Mr Foley announced the places. I got second place! Our second event was discuss I tried my hardest in this event but in the end I didn't get a place. After discuss it was lunch time. Our third event was high jump, and I figured out that I have always been jumping on the wrong side so at the event it was my first time jumping with my right foot leading. I got fourth in this event. Our last event for the day was sprints. Since I chose long sprints I got to sit in the shade and watch the people that chose short sprints race first. Only five girls in my age group chose long sprints so it was a straight final for us. I got first in this event!

I showed the care value of excellence by trying my hardest the whole day.

I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging everyone.

I was a role model by listening to what the teacher that was running my event said and doing it straight away.

PALs - Distinction post 4

On Thursday it was Maddy and my duty for PALs but since it was raining the whole day we didn't get the opportunity to do it then. 
On Friday some little kids were asking us if we could run some skipping so we got out the long purple rope and let them take turns having a go. 
It was cool watching them encourage each other and get stuck into it. 

I showed active thinking by getting out some of the smaller ropes as well as the big rope as a different option.

I was showed leadership by being self aware and getting to my duty on time.

I was a role model to the younger kids by having a positive attitude the whole time I was on my PALs duty.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

PALs - Distinction post 3

On Thursday Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakano students. At five past twelve we headed to the class room got our jackets and collected everything we needed so that we would be ready to start at ten past twelve. After that we went onto the court beside the junior playground and started skipping until some little kids joined in. Maddy and I ran some skipping races for the kids that wanted it, some of the ones that didn't want to participate cheered and encouraged them from the sideline. Quite a few of the little kids didn't know how to skip so I taught them and then encouraged them while they had a go. Then when the bell rang Maddy and I packed up the gear put it back neatly were we found it and went back to class.

I showed the care value of excellence by not giving up while I was teaching some kids how to skip.

I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging all the kids in the race and doing my PALs duty with a positive attitude.

I was a role model by running my PALs activity with pride and a positive attitude and encouraging everyone no matter their skill level.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Kapahaka - Distinction post 2

On Friday we had kapahaka. As soon as I got to the hall foyer I took off my shoes then I like usual walked into the hall. Mr Brown then told us to face the stage which was unusual because we usually face the side of the hall and announced that it was going to be a shorter practice than usual. First we sung ka waiata and learnt when we should and shouldn't hold the notes in that particular song. Then we sung it quite a few more times to make sure that everyone knew the words. After that Matua Rihari taught us all the actions to tena matou most of the seniors including me already knew the actions from when we were younger. We practised tena matou quite a few more times then Mr Brown released use to go back to class just before the bell rang.

I showed leadership by helping the other kids to learn the actions because I remembered them from when I was younger.                                                                                                                                              

I showed respect by listening to Matua Rihari, Mr Brown and Mrs Baker while they were talking.

I was being a role model because I was singing and doing the actions with pride.

PALs - Distinction post 1

On Thursday Maddy and I had PALs. We ran skipping for the kakano kids. At 12:05 Maddy and I stopped our game of around the world and went to the senior classrooms to collect our PALs vests and pozis. Then we went to the room 14 cloakbay to get the skipping ropes. As soon as we stepped out of the cloakbay lots of little kids came running up to us eager to do some skipping. After that we headed out to the junior court and started handing out the skipping ropes. Then Maddy and I got out the big purple rope and swung the big rope for kids to use as a different option from normal skipping. A little kid then asked if she could hold the rope so she and Maddy swung the rope and I went around handing out pozis to kids that were giving it their best shot and giving it a go. Some year 1 boys were having a disagreement about who had the rope first so I sorted it by going and getting another rope for one of them.

I showed excellence by not taking sides when I was solving a problem and running skipping with a good attitude.

I showed leadership by being goal focused and not letting others distract me from my leadership role and by showing up to my duty on time and being ready to go just before 12:10.

I was a role model by encouraging all the kids and not taking sides while I solved and disagreement.