Garden to table.
I have enjoyed working with the younger students, watching the garden grow and cooking snacks with fruits and vegetables I helped grow in the garden.
I have learnt how to be a better leader when taking care of a group of younger students and how to put gloves on a little kid.
Next year I want to do more of a variety of jobs in the garden and cook using vegetables I helped grow because I enjoyed that part a lot.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
PALs - Distinction post 24
Today Maddy and I ran stuck in the mud and duck duck goose for our kakano PALs activity. At ten past one we collected our orange PALs jackets and headed out onto the field. Once we got to where we wanted to play the games we looked around to see if any kakano kids seemed interested. Then a group of little kids asked if they could join in we said yes. Since there were only four kids Maddy and I joined in the game of duck duck goose. After that two more kids came over and asked if we could play stuck in the mud. So we played stuck in the mud in a small section of the kakano side of the field until the bell rang. Before the kids went back to class we gave them all pozi's for getting involved.
I showed the care value of respect by listening to others ideas.
I showed leadership by giving out pozi's to the kids that were getting involved.
I was a role model in stuck in the mud by saving lots of people.
I showed the care value of respect by listening to others ideas.
I showed leadership by giving out pozi's to the kids that were getting involved.
I was a role model in stuck in the mud by saving lots of people.
Technology - Distinction post 23
On Tuesday the year 7 and 8's went to Lincoln primary school for technology. It was our last time at tech for the rest of the year. We first learnt about the element of the day which was darmstadtium. Then we learnt about acids and bases and when you put them together and add water it fizzes. After that we had mandarin and made Christmas and New years cards in mandarin. We made a Chinese dragon in the middle of the card and wrote merry Christmas and happy new year in mandarin. After morning tea we made sherbet using some of the things that Mr Roozen taught us about acids and bases. We used citric acid, baking soda, icing sugar and raro to make our sherbet.
I showed the care value of community by sharing resources with Savannah while making the card.
I showed leadership by respecting Mr Roozen and listening while he was teaching us something.
I was a role model by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my had up to ask questions lots.
I showed the care value of community by sharing resources with Savannah while making the card.
I showed leadership by respecting Mr Roozen and listening while he was teaching us something.
I was a role model by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my had up to ask questions lots.
Kapahaka - Distinction post 22
I've enjoyed performing at the cultural festival, senior citizens concert, gala and at the welcoming ceremony.
I've learnt lots of new songs and the actions to pa mai, tenei matou and the poi.
What I need to improve on most is the actions to tenei matou and the ppi.
Next year I am looking forward to doing the long poi and all the performances.
I've enjoyed performing at the cultural festival, senior citizens concert, gala and at the welcoming ceremony.
I've learnt lots of new songs and the actions to pa mai, tenei matou and the poi.
What I need to improve on most is the actions to tenei matou and the ppi.
Next year I am looking forward to doing the long poi and all the performances.
Monday, 5 December 2016
PALs - Distinction post 21
Physical Activity Leaders (PALs)
I've enjoyed running games and activities for the younger students and joining in myself sometimes if there weren't many students wanting to play that day.
I've learnt how to give clear instructions that are short so they don't get distracted and how to manage time a lot better so that I am always on time to my PALs duty.
What I need to improve on most is remembering to face the sun when giving instructions so they aren't facing the sun and remembering to wear my PALs jacket because I sometimes forget it and have to go back.
I've enjoyed running games and activities for the younger students and joining in myself sometimes if there weren't many students wanting to play that day.
I've learnt how to give clear instructions that are short so they don't get distracted and how to manage time a lot better so that I am always on time to my PALs duty.
What I need to improve on most is remembering to face the sun when giving instructions so they aren't facing the sun and remembering to wear my PALs jacket because I sometimes forget it and have to go back.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 20
On Friday I had kapahaka. Only the kids that were going to the gala came because it was the final practice before the gala performance. We rehearsed our performance for the gala a couple of times then Mrs Baker told us about what we were going to do at the gala. Then Mrs Baker changed some of the lines and made a new girls line at the back which I got moved to.
I showed the care value of respect by showing up on time to the rehearsal.
I showed leadership by listening to what Mrs Baker had to say and doing it.
I was a role model by singing my best and doing the actions with pride.
I showed the care value of respect by showing up on time to the rehearsal.
I showed leadership by listening to what Mrs Baker had to say and doing it.
I was a role model by singing my best and doing the actions with pride.
PALs - Distinction post 19
On Friday Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakno kids. We usually do our PALs duty of Thursday but we had a lock down then and weren't able to. We ran our PALs duty in the second half of lunch. The little kids really enjoyed the skipping and it was really cool seeing some new kids that don't usually come to our PALs activities. We didn't get the long rope out so we didn't have to supervise it and we got more time to skip with the kids.
I showed the care value of respect by respecting the kakano kids and getting to my duty on time.
I showed leadership by running skipping differently than I usually do so the kakano kids could have more options.
I was a role model by teaching two little kids how to skip for the first time.
I showed the care value of respect by respecting the kakano kids and getting to my duty on time.
I showed leadership by running skipping differently than I usually do so the kakano kids could have more options.
I was a role model by teaching two little kids how to skip for the first time.
Technology - Distinction post 18
On Tuesday the year 7 and 8s had technology. We learnt about aeroplanes and how they stay up in the air and about lift, weight, drag and thrust. At mandarin we took a test to see how much we had learnt and learnt the mandarin names of some more animals. After morning tea we watched a video on how to make a paper aeroplane then we made our own and modified it a bit to make it so it flies better. Then we went over to the hall to have a flying competition. The first round we had to fly the paper aeroplanes that we had created using the video that Mr Roozen showed us. In the second round we got to make a paper aeroplane of our choice. i didn't win any rounds. After that we went back to the class and played element bingo until it was time to hop on the bus.
I showed the care value of active thinking by collaborating with Savannah to create new ways to make our planes better.
I showed leadership by clapping for the people that won the compitetions.
I was a role model by being quite during the element bingo so people could hear what element Mr Roozen called out.
I showed the care value of active thinking by collaborating with Savannah to create new ways to make our planes better.
I showed leadership by clapping for the people that won the compitetions.
I was a role model by being quite during the element bingo so people could hear what element Mr Roozen called out.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 17
On Thursday we performed at the senior citizens concert. We all had to be at the hall at ten past one in our kapahaka uniform so that we would be ready to perform. We performed the songs haleluia, pa mai, tenei matou and taitapu with the haka. I showed the care value of excellence by performing the songs with pride. I showed leadership by showing up ready in my kapahaka uniform on time so that we could perform on time. I was a role model by listening to what Mrs Baker and Mr Brown had to say and doing it quietly.
PALs - Distinction post 16
On Thursday Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakano kids. Since I had the senior citizens concert at ten past one we did it in the first half of lunch. We ran it on the court next to the junior playground. Once we got there we started skipping until some little kids joined in. I helped a little kid set up the long rope for people to jump in so Maddy and I could hand out pozi's. We then handed out pozi's and encouraged some kids to not give up when they were having a hard time skipping. We also organised some skipping races then we had to pack up so I could go and perform at the senior citizens concert.
I showed the care value of community by making sure the younger kids got even amounts of turns on the long rope.
I showed leadership by managing my time well and knowing when I had to do things.
I was a role model by encouraging the kids that were in the race and running my PALs duty with a positive attitude.
I can understand operations using fractions, decimals and integers.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy 5
I found the strategies 1 and 4 easy because I had already done the ixl activities before.
I found the assessment task and strategy 2 the hardest because it was new to me.Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Te Reo, Term 4 2016.
This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that…….
- The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
- The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
- The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
- There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
- Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi. We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning.These are listed and explained in the table below.ConceptDefinition -give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.TikangaThe way the marae do things.PōwhiriThe welcoming ceremony for when visitors come onto the marae.Tangata whenuaThe local people that are connected to the marae.ManuhiriVisitors to the marae.TūrangawaewaeThe marae is your home and it has right and rules.WhanaungatangaYou feel like you belong.Manaakitangarespect the elders.ArohaIt means loves.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Treaty of Waitangi
google slide
key personalities
3 articles
compare and contrast
I found out that the treaty is kept in an archive in Wellington and the treaty was first signed on the 6th of February 1840.
I would like to find out more about the foreshore and seabed debate.
key personalities
3 articles
compare and contrast
I found out that the treaty is kept in an archive in Wellington and the treaty was first signed on the 6th of February 1840.
I would like to find out more about the foreshore and seabed debate.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 15
On Friday I had kapahaka. First, we sung tenei matou and pa mai. Secondly we sung haleluia, tai tapu, pa mai, tenei matou and the haka. In tenei matou we got the actions mixed up with the pa mai actions so we had to do it again. Then we had to practise the start actions because some people didn't know it. After that some people got moved in their lines so the people that knew the actions best were at the front. Then we went through the performance for Thursday. We practised that until the bell rang then we got released and went back to class for morning tea.
I showed the value of respect by showing up on time to practise.
I showed leadership by doing the actions and singing my best.
I was a role model by listening to what Mrs Baker, Mr Brown and Matua Rihari said and doing it.
I showed the value of respect by showing up on time to practise.
I showed leadership by doing the actions and singing my best.
I was a role model by listening to what Mrs Baker, Mr Brown and Matua Rihari said and doing it.
PALs - Distinction post 14
On Thursday Maddy and I ran moon hopper races for the kakano students. First we got the moon hoppers out of the P.E shed. Secondly we got some cones from the classroom and set up were we were going to run the races. Then once some kids had come over to play we sorted them into even lines and ran the races. We gave pozi's out to the winners and kids that were trying their best. When the bell rang for the end of lunch we packed up the cones and the moon hoppers. Then we returned the cones back to the senior classroom and the moon hoppers to the P.E shed.
I showed the care value of respect by when a younger kid fell off the moon hopper in the middle of a race I checked if he was o.k and encouraged him to finish the race.
I showed leadership by handing out lots of pozi's.
I was a role model by getting to my PALs duty on time.
I showed the care value of respect by when a younger kid fell off the moon hopper in the middle of a race I checked if he was o.k and encouraged him to finish the race.
I showed leadership by handing out lots of pozi's.
I was a role model by getting to my PALs duty on time.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Technology Overall- Distinction post 13
I've enjoyed collaborating with people I wouldn't normally and making things I'm proud of and taking them home to show my family.
I've learnt how to cook food that I wouldn't normal cook at home in cooking, how to thread a sewing machine use a sewing machine and sew in textiles, how to use tinkerkad in textiles, how to use a drilling machine and chisel in woodwork and I learnt the elements in the periodic table in science.
Next time I would learn how to sew a button in textiles, make something different in woodwork and make something that is different and can help me in some sort of way in design.
I've enjoyed collaborating with people I wouldn't normally and making things I'm proud of and taking them home to show my family.
I've learnt how to cook food that I wouldn't normal cook at home in cooking, how to thread a sewing machine use a sewing machine and sew in textiles, how to use tinkerkad in textiles, how to use a drilling machine and chisel in woodwork and I learnt the elements in the periodic table in science.
Next time I would learn how to sew a button in textiles, make something different in woodwork and make something that is different and can help me in some sort of way in design.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
PALs - Distinction post 12
On Wednesday Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakano students. We usually do PALs on a Thursday but since the year 8's were away and on Thursday the years 7's weren't going to be there the schedule got changed. At five past twelve Maddy and I headed to the class room got our jackets and pozi's so that we would be ready to start at ten past twelve. After that we went onto the court beside the junior playground and started skipping some younger children joined in straight away. Maddy and I ran some skipping races for the kids that wanted it, some of the ones that didn't want to participate cheered and encouraged them from the sideline. Quite a few of the little kids didn't know how to skip so I taught them and then encouraged them while they had a go. When the bell rang we packed up the gear and put it back neatly were we got it from.
I showed the care value of excellence by showing resilience when teaching the younger children how to skip.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging all the kids in the race and doing my PALs duty with a positive attitude.
I was a role model by running my PALs activity with pride and showing up on time.
I showed the care value of excellence by showing resilience when teaching the younger children how to skip.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging all the kids in the race and doing my PALs duty with a positive attitude.
I was a role model by running my PALs activity with pride and showing up on time.
Technology - Distinction post 11
On Tuesday the year 7's had technology. Usually the year 8's go to but they were in wellington this week. When we got to the science classroom Mr Roozen let me chose an element on the periodic table to learn for that day. I chose lithium. Then Mr Roozen taught us about lithium and what it is used for. Then we learnt about tension, compression and shear and how the triangle is the strongest shape. Then we went to mandarin and learnt about how to say I like something and I don't like something. After mandarin it was morning tea time. Once morning tea was over and we went back to class we started trying to make the tallest tower possible made out of pasta and marshmallows and it had to be free standing. Savannah and I collaborated on this and we kept in mind the triangle is the strongest shape while building it. We won the challenge our tower was 63 centimetres tall.
I show the care value of excellence by not giving up even when our tower kept falling down.
I showed leadership by contributing to class discussions and putting up my hand lots to answer questions.
I was a role model by talking to the person next to me on the way to and from technology.
I show the care value of excellence by not giving up even when our tower kept falling down.
I showed leadership by contributing to class discussions and putting up my hand lots to answer questions.
I was a role model by talking to the person next to me on the way to and from technology.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 10
On Friday we had kapahaka. At 10:25 Natasha, Sophie and I walked over to the hall and took off and placed our shoes in the hall foyer. Once we got into the hall everyone got into their new lines except a couple of people that weren't there on last Friday I was one of them. Everyone started singing ka waiata and while we were doing that the people that didn't have a place in the new lines got slotted in. Then we sang pa mai and tena matou until the bell rang at 11:00 then we went back to class and had morning tea.
I showed the care value of community by getting involved the whole time.
I showed leadership by trying my best in all of the songs.
I was a role model by showing up on time to kapahaka.
I showed the care value of community by getting involved the whole time.
I showed leadership by trying my best in all of the songs.
I was a role model by showing up on time to kapahaka.
PALs - Distinction post 9
On Thursday Maddy and I ran sprints and relays for the kakano kids. At 12:05 we headed out onto the field where the start of the sprint track is and waited for some kids to come. After a couple of minutes a lot of kids had come over to join us. We started a few sprint races for the kids that wanted it then we sorted them out into teams for a relay race. The kids really enjoyed the relay races so we kept them going for a while until a boy asked if we could go back to sprint races so we ran sprint races until the bell rang.
I showed the the care value of community by getting everyone that was there at the PALs activity involved.
I showed leadership by helping out a little kid that fell over and encouraging him to give it another go.
I was a role model by getting to my duty on time.
I showed the the care value of community by getting everyone that was there at the PALs activity involved.
I showed leadership by helping out a little kid that fell over and encouraging him to give it another go.
I was a role model by getting to my duty on time.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 8
On Friday the year 4 - 8 students had kapa haka. Once the year 7/8 students had been let go from class I went to Natasha and Sophie and started walking over to the hall foyer with them. Once I got to the hall foyer I took my shoes off and sat them down on a seat. Once I got to the hall I went and sat down in our lines facing the stage. The first song we started singing was Ka Wiata, everyone already new this song as we sing it in Te Reo lessons, but we also added some new lyrics at the start of the song, and started to practice these lyrics. After this we started going through Tenei Matau. Once we went through this once we realised that we had all forgotten the actions to this new song. After this Matua went through all of the actions with us again as he had noticed that most people had forgotten them.
I showed the care value of community by being aware of others and making sure I didn't bump into anyone while I was moving around inside the hall.
I showed leadership by respecting others right to learn by walking quietly on my way to the hall.
I was a role model by trying my best the whole time.
I showed the care value of community by being aware of others and making sure I didn't bump into anyone while I was moving around inside the hall.
I showed leadership by respecting others right to learn by walking quietly on my way to the hall.
I was a role model by trying my best the whole time.
PALs - Distinction post 7
On Thursday Maddy and I ran sprints and relays for the kakano kids. At the start of lunch we made sure we had the batons for the relays, the clapper to start the races and lots of pozis. Once we had everything ready we headed out onto the field where the start of the sprint track is and waited for some kids to come. Once a couple of kids came we got a few races going until their were to many little kids for individual races then we made relay teams. Once we had done quite a few races as relays a kid asked if we could go back to sprints so we sorted them out into lanes and ran some races.
I showed the care value of excellence by even when some of the little kids weren't listening and things weren't going exactly as planned I showed resilience and made it all work out.
I showed leadership by handing out pozis to the winners and to the kids that were trying their best.
I was a role model by cheering for all the little kids and giving them a hand if they needed some help.
I showed the care value of excellence by even when some of the little kids weren't listening and things weren't going exactly as planned I showed resilience and made it all work out.
I showed leadership by handing out pozis to the winners and to the kids that were trying their best.
I was a role model by cheering for all the little kids and giving them a hand if they needed some help.
Technology - Distinction post 6
On Tuesday the year 7/8's went to technology at Lincoln primary school. We started our last pentad science. When we got their we all lined up outside the classroom and the teacher explained some rules about how he runs his classroom. As soon as we got into the classroom we sat down and filled out a sheet that would help the teacher learn our names fast while he talked to us about the periodic table and newtons third law. Then we glued some sheets into our books and headed off to mandarin. Once we got back from morning tea the teacher talked to us a little bit then we started on our water rocket project.
I showed the care value of active thinking by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my hand up lots to answer questions.
I showed leadership by trying my best during the word find.
I was a role model by when the bell rang for the end of morning tea I went straight back to class.
I showed the care value of active thinking by contributing to class and group discussions and putting my hand up lots to answer questions.
I showed leadership by trying my best during the word find.
I was a role model by when the bell rang for the end of morning tea I went straight back to class.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Athletics - Distinction post 5
On Wednesday we had the kauri athletics. Straight after moring tea the whole kauri team headed out onto the field. Once we were all on the field and sorted into gender and age group lines Mr Forman talked to us for a little bit then The Head Boy Jack and the Deaputy Head Boy Dylan officially opened the 2016 kauri athletics. My first event was long jump, we all lined up into our number order and had a practice jump than afeter that we each got two jumps and tried improve our distance in the second jump. Once we had all done our two jumps we all sat down and Mr Foley announced the places. I got second place! Our second event was discuss I tried my hardest in this event but in the end I didn't get a place. After discuss it was lunch time. Our third event was high jump, and I figured out that I have always been jumping on the wrong side so at the event it was my first time jumping with my right foot leading. I got fourth in this event. Our last event for the day was sprints. Since I chose long sprints I got to sit in the shade and watch the people that chose short sprints race first. Only five girls in my age group chose long sprints so it was a straight final for us. I got first in this event!
I showed the care value of excellence by trying my hardest the whole day.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging everyone.
I was a role model by listening to what the teacher that was running my event said and doing it straight away.
I showed the care value of excellence by trying my hardest the whole day.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging everyone.
I was a role model by listening to what the teacher that was running my event said and doing it straight away.
PALs - Distinction post 4
On Thursday it was Maddy and my duty for PALs but since it was raining the whole day we didn't get the opportunity to do it then.
On Friday some little kids were asking us if we could run some skipping so we got out the long purple rope and let them take turns having a go.
It was cool watching them encourage each other and get stuck into it.
I showed active thinking by getting out some of the smaller ropes as well as the big rope as a different option.
I was showed leadership by being self aware and getting to my duty on time.
I was a role model to the younger kids by having a positive attitude the whole time I was on my PALs duty.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
PALs - Distinction post 3
On Thursday Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakano students. At five past twelve we headed to the class room got our jackets and collected everything we needed so that we would be ready to start at ten past twelve. After that we went onto the court beside the junior playground and started skipping until some little kids joined in. Maddy and I ran some skipping races for the kids that wanted it, some of the ones that didn't want to participate cheered and encouraged them from the sideline. Quite a few of the little kids didn't know how to skip so I taught them and then encouraged them while they had a go. Then when the bell rang Maddy and I packed up the gear put it back neatly were we found it and went back to class.
I showed the care value of excellence by not giving up while I was teaching some kids how to skip.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging all the kids in the race and doing my PALs duty with a positive attitude.
I was a role model by running my PALs activity with pride and a positive attitude and encouraging everyone no matter their skill level.
I showed the care value of excellence by not giving up while I was teaching some kids how to skip.
I showed leadership by cheering and encouraging all the kids in the race and doing my PALs duty with a positive attitude.
I was a role model by running my PALs activity with pride and a positive attitude and encouraging everyone no matter their skill level.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Kapahaka - Distinction post 2
On Friday we had kapahaka. As soon as I got to the hall foyer I took off my shoes then I like usual walked into the hall. Mr Brown then told us to face the stage which was unusual because we usually face the side of the hall and announced that it was going to be a shorter practice than usual. First we sung ka waiata and learnt when we should and shouldn't hold the notes in that particular song. Then we sung it quite a few more times to make sure that everyone knew the words. After that Matua Rihari taught us all the actions to tena matou most of the seniors including me already knew the actions from when we were younger. We practised tena matou quite a few more times then Mr Brown released use to go back to class just before the bell rang.
I showed leadership by helping the other kids to learn the actions because I remembered them from when I was younger.
I showed respect by listening to Matua Rihari, Mr Brown and Mrs Baker while they were talking.
I was being a role model because I was singing and doing the actions with pride.
I showed leadership by helping the other kids to learn the actions because I remembered them from when I was younger.
I showed respect by listening to Matua Rihari, Mr Brown and Mrs Baker while they were talking.
I was being a role model because I was singing and doing the actions with pride.
PALs - Distinction post 1
On Thursday Maddy and I had PALs. We ran skipping for the kakano kids. At 12:05 Maddy and I stopped our game of around the world and went to the senior classrooms to collect our PALs vests and pozis. Then we went to the room 14 cloakbay to get the skipping ropes. As soon as we stepped out of the cloakbay lots of little kids came running up to us eager to do some skipping. After that we headed out to the junior court and started handing out the skipping ropes. Then Maddy and I got out the big purple rope and swung the big rope for kids to use as a different option from normal skipping. A little kid then asked if she could hold the rope so she and Maddy swung the rope and I went around handing out pozis to kids that were giving it their best shot and giving it a go. Some year 1 boys were having a disagreement about who had the rope first so I sorted it by going and getting another rope for one of them.
I showed excellence by not taking sides when I was solving a problem and running skipping with a good attitude.
I showed leadership by being goal focused and not letting others distract me from my leadership role and by showing up to my duty on time and being ready to go just before 12:10.
I was a role model by encouraging all the kids and not taking sides while I solved and disagreement.
I showed excellence by not taking sides when I was solving a problem and running skipping with a good attitude.
I showed leadership by being goal focused and not letting others distract me from my leadership role and by showing up to my duty on time and being ready to go just before 12:10.
I was a role model by encouraging all the kids and not taking sides while I solved and disagreement.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Visual Art
WALT: Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork
For Visual Art the SOLO level I achieved was: relational.
The 3 Visual Art techniques I used in my art work to achieve this level were: moving water colours, glazing and shading.
My next step in visual art is: use the techniques more.
Here is a photo of my artwork.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Koru Games
The activity I did was volleyball.
The highlights of the koru games were getting food from pita pit because it was yummy and winning lots of games because it was my first time doing volleyball.
I am proud of spiking it over the net lots of times because I got lots of points for my team.
Next year I want to I want to become a better place.
The highlights of the koru games were getting food from pita pit because it was yummy and winning lots of games because it was my first time doing volleyball.
I am proud of spiking it over the net lots of times because I got lots of points for my team.
Next year I want to I want to become a better place.
Monday, 12 September 2016
CARE: My progress so far
CARE: My progress so far
The CARE award that I am working towards is: Silver
The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: Respect because I have a lot of ticks and highlights under respect.
The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is: active thinking because I need to take more risks and do harder things.
To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: Integrity, Goal focused, Trustworthy, Resilient, Active thinker, Motivational.
On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Extended Abstract because I can use the CARE values independently and I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.
Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.
I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.
I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Kapahaka - Excellence post 25
On Friday we did Kapa Haka, all of us were pretty nervous because the cultural festival was the next Tuesday. Firstly some of the Kauri students came in and watched us perfrom what we are going to do for the cultural festival and the feed back they had was to be louder so we listened to them and when the kakano kids came in lots of them blocked there ears because it was too noisy for them. I showed the care value of respect by listening respectfully while Mr Brown was talking. I showed leadership because I was quite in our transitions and in the gaps we had to wait in.
Information Report The Water Cycle
The Water cycle is a process that water goes through between land, sea and atmosphere. The steps in the water cycle are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, ground-water, runoff and accumulation. The water is recycled throughout the process. The water changes state throughout the process, liquid, gas (water vapor) and solid.
Evaporation is when sun heats up the water in the lakes rivers and oceans and turns it into as also known as vapor. The process is invisible and changes liquid and frozen water into water vapor then it floats up into the sky. On hot days the water evaporates better than on cloudy winter days. When warm air with lots of water vapor in it moves into colder temperatures, it causes the water vapor to condense into a liquid. Once the water turn into a gas and it floats up into the sky it forms into cloud which is called condensation.
When water vapor that has gone into the sky cools it becomes clouds; it then gets pushed around the world by moving air currents and winds. Tiny droplets fall onto each other and merge making a larger droplet. When a droplet is big enough gravity will pull it down stronger than the updraft of the cloud, making the droplet fall out of the cloud onto the ground. The amount of precipitation that falls every year is different all around the world. In desserts it may only rain one inch per year while on some mountains it could rain to up to 600 inch per year. Condensation happens because of the temperature. After precipitation the water goes into the ground causing groundwater and runoff.
Runoff is nothing more than water running off the land surface due to gravity. Runoff is important because it flows over the land and some goes into the ground recharging groundwater and giving water to plants. The ground stores lots of water and it exists to some degree no matter where on Earth you are. Groundwater serves oodles in nature such as keeping plants alive, filling aquifers, from which people can take water, contributing water to rivers and lakes, and finally flowing into the oceans.
The water cycle is an important process that recycles water using these 5 steps evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff and groundwater.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
My CARE Progress
I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.
I am proud of my progress because I have already achieved my bronze and I am on my way with silver.
I'm not to far away from getting my silver I already have a third on my tick on my chart.
The area of CARE that I need to try harder in C / A / R / E because I don't have as many ticks in that area.
To achieve my SILVER award quicker I need to work harder to get more ticks.
The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is to remember to put my ticks in.
We will review CARE progress again at the end of the term.
I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.
For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning interesting because I learnt a lot about adverbial clauses and at the start I had no idea what it was.
In this activity (link to adverbial clause activity), I had to read a sentences and highlight the adverbial clause in them. Activity
Thursday, 25 August 2016
I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns
I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns
In this unit I have been learning about:
- The parts of speech.
- The types of nouns.
- The types of sentences.
In this unit, I found challenging learning all the different nouns.
Something new I learnt was how to identify different types of nouns.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Reason with linear proportions
WALT: - Order fractions with unlike denominators by finding a common denominator
I have been learning to work with fractions that have unlike denominators. Here are 3 screenshots to show my new understanding:
Thursday, 4 August 2016
WALT: I can recognise and understand the features and structures of a wide variety of text types and forms.
WALT: I can recognise and understand the features and structures of a wide variety of text types and forms.
The text types that we studied were:
- Poems.
- Stories/ narratives.
- Articles
- Websites
- Each text type has different structures and features because: Some text have different kinds of features like true information and false information.
- Two text types that I have enjoyed learning about are poems and narratives. Link
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Maths Measurement
WALT : Deduce and us formulae to find the perimeters and area of polygons and the volumes of prisms.
WALT : Find the perimeters and areas of circles and composite shapes and the volumes of prisms, and cylinders.

My next step is volume and calculating the area of circles.
WALT : Find the perimeters and areas of circles and composite shapes and the volumes of prisms, and cylinders.

My next step is volume and calculating the area of circles.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Kapahaka - Excellence post 24
On Friday I had kapahaka. First, we sung he honore and tai tapu then the non performance group left for the performance group to practice for the cultural festival. After that we sung haleluia, tahurihuri, tai tapu and the haka. In tahurihuri we were all very quiet and in tai tapu Matua Rihari said we were all flat so we did it all again two more time until the morning tea bell rang. The girls that are doing short poi and the front row of boys got asked to stay behind so that Matua Rihari could help us practise the actions for poi and for the front row of boys the timing in which they step forward in haleluia. Once he showed us the new actions for poi because some of he girls couldn't do the old ones we got to leave. I showed the care value of respect by showing up on time and I showed leadership by being a role model and listening to Matua Rihari and Mrs Baker.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
PALs - Excellence post 23
Today Maddy and I ran skipping for the kakano students at five past twelve we headed to the class room got our jackets and collected everything we needed so that we would be ready to start at ten past twelve. After that we went onto the concrete outside of the music room deck and started skipping until some little kids joined in. Quite a few of the little kids didn't know how to skip so I taught them and then encouraged them while they had a go. Then when the bell rang Maddy and I packed up the gear put it back neatly were we found it and went back to class. While I was doing PALs I showed the care value of excellence by not giving up on teaching some little kids how to skip even when it got hard. I showed leadership by being a role model and getting to my duty on time.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
PALs - Excellence post 22
On Thursday Maddy and I ran moon hoppers and lots of different novelty objects or the kakano kids during the second half of lunch. Maddy ran a game with some kids when you had to try get different coloured balls into a bucket she was holding and I sorted out who was going to go on the moon hoppers first since the little kids were fighting over who was having a turn first. Since the little kids were liking playing the game with Maddy she kept doing it for the whole time and I sorted out all the disagreements about who's turn it was.
I showed the care value of community by communicating well while asking if another person could have a turn with what they were using and I showed leadership by being a role model and getting to my PALs duty on time.
I showed the care value of community by communicating well while asking if another person could have a turn with what they were using and I showed leadership by being a role model and getting to my PALs duty on time.
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