Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Current Events Term 1

Current Events Term 1

In Current Events I covered these topics:
  • The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
  • Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
  • Christchurch Earth Memorial
  • The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
  • The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.

My favourite topic was the design of the Halswell skate park because I thought It was cool submitting my ideas to the council.

Here is a link to my learning on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.

The Reading National Standards I have achieved are

  • Year 9/10
    • As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate

Monday, 10 April 2017

Term 1 Novel Study

Term 1 Novel Study

This term I have been reading and studying the novel Dragonkeeper

I found this novel ok because I didn't enjoy it much and it isn't a book I would chose to read on my own but I'm glad I read it because I don't read much fantasy.

During the novel I had to complete two major assessment tasks. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book. The second was a Describe++ Map (Inference map) which shows I how I have connected prior knowledge and other experiences to what I have been reading to make an inference.

National Standard this covers

  • Year 9/10 Standard
    • I can monitor my understanding as it develops during my reading, and adjust my strategies to address any comprehension problems Eg: If I don’t understand a passage I have read I can re-read it, read-on, use pictures or diagrams, or explore the meaning of some of the vocabulary.
    • I can use strategies to analyse ideas and information and to reflect critically on the meaning I am gaining from my reading. (Eg: I can think about the meaning of the information and ideas and how this fits with what I think)

Visual Language

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Kapahaka - merit post 12

On Friday I had senior kapahaka this week we lined up outside the back of the hall because when we lined up outside the office we were to noisy. When we entered the hall we got into our lines and sung ka waiata a couple of time to warm up. Then we went right through the whole song of aoteraroa. After that we practised haremai until the morning tea bell rang. I showed the care value of excellence while I was singing and doing the actions to the songs.

Leadership - merit post 11

On Wednesday all the people that are involved with the student council went along to the hall foyer for a short meeting. we talked about why we were on the student council my reason it that it is in my job description as head girl. We also talked about what we wanted to achieve in 2017 as the student council, my idea was help improve the school and fund raise a lot of money for the school. I showed respect be just sitting there and listening when it wasn't my turn to talk.