Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Leadership - Excellence post 12
On Tuesday we had a leadership meeting about the chorus box. In the meeting we discussed who was going to go down on what day and do what. I am going next week to do some of the designing. In the meeting I showed the care value of excellence by showing my best. I also showed the learner quality of communicating by putting forward my ideas.
Technology - Excellence post 11
Last Thursday we took the bus to Lincoln for technology. On the bus ride I showed the respect value by talking quietly to the people around me and not screaming over everyone. At tech I am in woodwork. I showed the learner quality of empathy by thinking of others and not talking loudly.
Leadership - Excellence post 10
On Wednesday all the leaders had a meeting. Our first topic to discuss was the artwork that we are doing on the chorus box. The other thing that we talked about was how far along everyone was in achieving their merit badges. I showed the care value of active thinking by putting forward lots of good ideas. I showed the learner quality of collaborating.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Leadership - Excellence post 9
On Wednesday we had a leaders meeting. We are planing a chorus box to paint in our community. A lady from the Christchurch city council came in to explain the whole process of designing. I showed the care value of respect by respecting other peoples opinions and ideas. I showed the learner quality of questioning by asking lots of questions.
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Election Argument.
WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.
The labour party is the best party nz needs a change in government. Personally, I believe that Labour is the best party to vote for. Here are three policies that I would vote for: ensure access to justice for transgender people, increase police officers by 1,000 over three years and pay $60 per week to all families with babies and toddlers. The first policy is ensure access to justice for transgender people.
Ensure access to justice for trans people. Everyone should have the same basic rights regardless of if you are transgender or not. Transgender people are still humans and should be treated the same as others.
At the moment transgender people aren't treated fairly in the criminal justice system and that should change.
Another policy that I believe is very important is increase police officers by 1,000 over three years.
Increase police officers by 1,000 over three years. Increasing the number of police officers should bring crime under control. Having less crime will make New Zealand a better place. It will also create more jobs for people.
Another policy that I believe is very important is pay $60 per week to all families with babies and toddlers.
Pay $60 per week to all families with babies and toddlers. It enables all children to have the best possible start at life because it can sometimes be very hard for the families in the child's early years. It gives the family with young children financial security. It enables the children to have a good start to life with the essentials they need.
I strongly believe that the worst policy National has to offer is tighten freedom camping rules and increase funding for tourism infrastructure. National thinks that if we tighten freedom camping rules then people will pay more respect to the environment. They also think that tourism is hugely important to the economy. I think that one of the many reasons this is a bad policy is because people should be able to go where ever they want when they’re freedom camping. Instead of restricting the areas so people will respect it they should just tell them and if they don’t just trespass them cause other people shouldn’t suffer from others consequences. I believe with the tourism national shouldn't fund it because it's a waste of money, tourist should just stop because if they were put into our shoes they would understand.
Now I have stated to you why you should vote for Labour. By far in my opinion Labours the best party because they are gonna try there hardest to protect people so they can be who they wanna be and help people.
The points I have stated are the Labour policies such as ensure access to justice for transgender people, increase police officers by 1,000 over three years, pay $60 per week to families with babies and toddlers.
By now you know what party I’m clearly going to vote for.
My next steps are: To add more emotive language.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Letter Writing
In Writing we have been learning to: Write a formal letter.
We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.
Here is a link to our online Modelling book.
This shows the process that we have followed.
Here is the letter that I have written Letter
Here is my reflection on the letter writing that we have done.
One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was remembering to write the address and the date.
My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.
Interpret points and lines on coordinate planes, including scales and bearings on maps
Interpret points and lines on coordinate planes, including scales and bearings on maps,
I learnt how to read topographical maps and contour lines.
I found matching the contour lines on the topographical maps to the mountains on the normal maps challenging.
Extended abstract task
I learnt how to read topographical maps and contour lines.
I found matching the contour lines on the topographical maps to the mountains on the normal maps challenging.
Extended abstract task
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Evaluate Author's Purpose
In reading we have been learning to….evaluate writer's purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit these purposes. (e.g. I can make decisions about why the writer has written a piece of writing and how they have used particular structures and words to meet their purpose.)
Here is a link to our online modelling book
We have been evaluating how well an author has achieved their purpose based on:
Specific Language choices made by authors.
Specific Structure choices made by authors.
These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
Types of Author's Purpose
Explaining how writers use structure and language to meet their purpose.
Evaluating Author's purpose 1
Evaluating Author's purpose 2
My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge and evaluate texts as I read them, checking to see that the author is meeting their intended purpose.
Here is a link to our online modelling book
We have been evaluating how well an author has achieved their purpose based on:
Specific Language choices made by authors.
Specific Structure choices made by authors.
These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
Types of Author's Purpose
Explaining how writers use structure and language to meet their purpose.
Evaluating Author's purpose 1
Evaluating Author's purpose 2
My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge and evaluate texts as I read them, checking to see that the author is meeting their intended purpose.
Friday, 28 July 2017
The book that I enjoyed the most was Silverstream. It is about the world in the future when the government is over controlling. The main character is a girl named Lorna. Her mum is in a group of people planning to corrupt the government. When her mum gets taken away Lorna escapes to go get her back. With the help of her sisters boyfriend Micheal she gets to the camp Silversteam and endures the way of life there with hope that she should find her mum.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.
In Maths we have been learning to: Understand operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Extended Abstract assessment task - Link your Lazer Blazer task here. answer sheet activity sheet.
Something that challenged me during this unit of learning was dividing fractions because I found it hard to understand the strategy that the group was using.
My next step is to continue to apply these strategies to real life/ problem solving situations.
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Term 2 Novel Study
This term I have been reading and studying the novel Silverstream.
I found this novel ok because I like the theme of the story but I didn't like the style that it was written in.
During the novel I had to complete a thinking map which shows that I can classify how the author has shown the theme of the book.
- Link to Classify Map
National Standard this covers
- Year 9/10 Standard
- I can locate, evaluate, analyse and summarise information and ideas within texts and across a range of texts.
- I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world and includes: - academic e.g observe vs watch - subject-specific (specific words about a subject (e.g feline) - technical terms (specialised vocabulary of a particular field.)
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Current Events Term 2, 2017
WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
Year 9/10: I can read in different ways to find and/or understand information that that is not immediately easy to access or is not organised in familiar ways.
Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read. After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Kapahaka - Excellence post 8
On Friday I had senior kapahaka. On Wednesday the 30th we have a performance at the open day so the whole practice was preparing for that. First we went through the whole thing with the teachers guiding us twice. Then we went through it once by ourselves. After that Mr Brown said if we went throught the whole thing by ourselves full volume without any mistakes we can go to morning tea. I showed the care value of respect by getting to kapahaka on time. I showed leadership by helping others when we had to turn to face the back of the hall instead of the front because some people got confused.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Careers Education C.V. Writing
In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.
A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have, rather than our work history.
Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:
- Grammer, spelling and punctuation is very important.
- What skill are required to obtain a job.
- I learned that it is an easy writing style.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Home Learning Challenge - Excellence post 7
Home learning challenge A6 Research a range of option for high school. Visit at least 3 different open nights. I visited villa maria, girls high, cashmere, riccarton and hillmortan. For Villa Maria and Christchurch Girls High I went to an open day and for Cashmere, Riccarton and Hillmortan I went to the open night. I enjoyed learning about all the different options for high school and the food at the end of the tours.
Kapahaka - Excellence post 6
On Friday I had kapakaka. It was only the girls that went to kapahaka because we were learning poi and the week before it was only the boys that went kapahaka to learn the haka. We first sang a couple of songs to warm up that they handed out the poi. We didn't have enough so matua got some practice poi out of his car. The year five and under stayed in the hall to learn the short poi actions and the year 6, 7 and 8's went into the foyer to learn the long poi actions. I showed the care value of excellence by trying my best. I showed leadership by not giving up when learning the long poi because I am not very good at it.
Leadership - Excellence post 5
On Wednesday I had student council. The Monday before it Josh and I had a meeting with Mrs Trotter about what we were going to talk about since we run it. We talked about what we can do for fundraisers, who we can fundraise for and about how the student council can promote anti bullying around the school. I showed the care value of respect by respecting everyone opinions and ideas. I showed leadership by chairing the student council.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Reason with linear proportions
WALT: Reason with linear proportions
I have been learning 3 WALTS
1.National Standard 1: Combine simple proportions to work out what parts the whole is made up in a unit of 10 like 3 yellow with 7 blue, 5 yellow with 5 blue, 4 yellow with 6 blue. Say what the fraction and percentage of each stack is for yellow and blue.
2.National Standard 2: - Combine proportions to work out what parts the whole is made up of using non-multiple of 10 like 8 yellow:5 blue:4 white with 11 yellow:11 blue:11 white (19:16:15 and 38%:32%:30%)
3. National Standard 3: - Order fractions with unlike denominators by finding a common denominator
My evidence: assessment task
My next step is: geometry test
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Reading - Text Composition
In reading we have been learning to….
recognise the way words, sentences and paragraphs are put together (eg sentences that express cause and effect) and use this knowledge to understand complicated texts.
Here is a link to our online modelling book
These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge of parts of texts, to help me make sense of increasingly complicated text types.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Home Learning Challenge - Excellence post 4
I chose the home learning challenge E6
Research a job you are interested in - including qualifications and training - present your findings.
I researched an outdoor recreation guide/instructor.
Link to my research.
Research a job you are interested in - including qualifications and training - present your findings.
I researched an outdoor recreation guide/instructor.
Link to my research.
Kapahaka - Excellence post 3
On Friday I had kapahaka. Once I got to the hall I took my shoes off and went and sat in my line. We sung ka waiata a couple of times then we sung some other songs to warm up. Then we sung aotearoa for the for time without seeing the lyrics. After that we learnt the lyrics to a new song. I was quite hard because usually we can see the lyrics while we sing but the projector wasn't working so we couldn't. I showed the value of community by getting to kapahaka on time. I showed leadership by not giving up when learning the new song.
Leadership - Excellence post 2
On Monday the student leaders had a trip to the council. First we learnt about the safety procedures and what to do in the case of a earthquake. After that we learnt about the different parts of the council and what there part in running Christchurch is. Once we had finished learning about the different parts of council we spilt into groups to get shown what a specific part does in the council building. After we got back each group shared what they had learnt. Then we did a budgeting activity the one that I did was about stopping graffiti in Christchurch. Lastly we walked to hachi hachi had lunch, walked to the bus place, waited for a bus and went back to school. I showed the value of respect by not talking wile our guide was talking. I showed leadership by asking lots of questions at the appropriate times.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Leadership - Excellence post 1
On Tuesday the year 8 student leaders hosted a bake sale to fundraise for our trip to wellington later on in the year. All the year 8's brought in a plate of food to sell and Jade's mum and Mr Ladbrook decided if it was one dollar or two dollars. I helped out at the junior bake sale by selling the junior students the baking. I showed community by helping out around the school. I also showed trustworthy when dealing with money.
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Probability Math
In Maths we have been learning to:
- compare and describe the variation between theoretical and experimental distributions in situations that involve elements of chance.
- calculate probabilities, using fractions, percentages, and ratios.
Here is some evidence of my learning.

Extended abstract text book activity
Figure it out activity 1
Figure it out activity 2
My next step is to continue to apply my knowledge of statistics and probability in a variety of real world situations and contexts.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Home Learning Challenge - Merit post 13
Science Badge
For home learning challenges I chose to do a science badge on human biology.
Here is a link to the google slide where I recorded all the work I did.
For home learning challenges I chose to do a science badge on human biology.
Here is a link to the google slide where I recorded all the work I did.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Term 1 book review
Gone by Micheal Grant
The story is set in a small town in America. One day everyone over the age of 15 disappears and people start to develop mutant powers. The story follows a boy named Sam that everyone looks at as there leader once all the adults have disappeared. The kids that don't develop mutant powers start to call the others freaks. I think this is a great book because its interesting the whole way through.
The story is set in a small town in America. One day everyone over the age of 15 disappears and people start to develop mutant powers. The story follows a boy named Sam that everyone looks at as there leader once all the adults have disappeared. The kids that don't develop mutant powers start to call the others freaks. I think this is a great book because its interesting the whole way through.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Current Events Term 1
Current Events Term 1
In Current Events I covered these topics:
- The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
- Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
- Christchurch Earth Memorial
- The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
- The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.
My favourite topic was the design of the Halswell skate park because I thought It was cool submitting my ideas to the council.
Here is a link to my learning on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.
The Reading National Standards I have achieved are
- Year 9/10
- As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate
Monday, 10 April 2017
Term 1 Novel Study
Term 1 Novel Study
This term I have been reading and studying the novel Dragonkeeper
I found this novel ok because I didn't enjoy it much and it isn't a book I would chose to read on my own but I'm glad I read it because I don't read much fantasy.
During the novel I had to complete two major assessment tasks. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book. The second was a Describe++ Map (Inference map) which shows I how I have connected prior knowledge and other experiences to what I have been reading to make an inference.
- Link to Explain map
- Link to Inferences
National Standard this covers
- Year 9/10 Standard
- I can monitor my understanding as it develops during my reading, and adjust my strategies to address any comprehension problems Eg: If I don’t understand a passage I have read I can re-read it, read-on, use pictures or diagrams, or explore the meaning of some of the vocabulary.
- I can use strategies to analyse ideas and information and to reflect critically on the meaning I am gaining from my reading. (Eg: I can think about the meaning of the information and ideas and how this fits with what I think)
Sunday, 2 April 2017
Kapahaka - merit post 12
On Friday I had senior kapahaka this week we lined up outside the back of the hall because when we lined up outside the office we were to noisy. When we entered the hall we got into our lines and sung ka waiata a couple of time to warm up. Then we went right through the whole song of aoteraroa. After that we practised haremai until the morning tea bell rang. I showed the care value of excellence while I was singing and doing the actions to the songs.
Leadership - merit post 11
On Wednesday all the people that are involved with the student council went along to the hall foyer for a short meeting. we talked about why we were on the student council my reason it that it is in my job description as head girl. We also talked about what we wanted to achieve in 2017 as the student council, my idea was help improve the school and fund raise a lot of money for the school. I showed respect be just sitting there and listening when it wasn't my turn to talk.
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Kapahaka - Merit post 10
On friday I had hapahaka. Right before kapahaka I had cultural club so i went straight from the hall to the classroom to put my Chromebook away then back to the hall. I took off my shoes when I was in the foyer then I went in. We did a couple of songs as a warm up. After that we continued learning aoteraroa by stan walker and we finished the whole song by ourselves without the teaches helping us. It sounded really good. Once kapahaka finished I went into the foyer put on my shoes talking quietly to Natasha then I went back to class. I showed respect by respecting all the people in the office by leaving quietly.
Home Learning Challenge - Merit post 9
Offer to help around home 15 time without being asked.
I did this home learning challenge over 3 and a bit weeks.
This home learning challenge was quite easy because I didn't do it more than once a day.
Here is a link to the doc which I recorded all the chores I did.
Home Learning Challenge
I did this home learning challenge over 3 and a bit weeks.
This home learning challenge was quite easy because I didn't do it more than once a day.
Here is a link to the doc which I recorded all the chores I did.
Home Learning Challenge
Leadership - Merit post 8
On Monday all the leaders had a meeting on what was going well and what was challenging. For my going well I said speeches because I have delivered a few speeches over the year such as opening or closing assemblies and opening school events. For what was challenging I said public speaking because I get very nervous before every speech I do. On Tuesday the heads and deputies had a meeting about the student council and the techniques we can use when we are running it. The techniques are get everyone involved, keep it on a specific topic, follow it up after the meeting, only one person speaks at once, use a talking object and go over the rules. I showed the value of respect by giving ideas and listening to other peoples ideas.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Leadership article writing.
In writing I have been learning to use a wide range of punctuation appropriately and with increasing accuracy like . , ! ? “”
- colon :
- semi-colon ;
- hyphen -
- parentheses ( )
- brackets [ ]
- ellipses ...
- colon :
- semi-colon ;
- hyphen -
- parentheses ( )
- brackets [ ]
- ellipses ...
I have been especially focusing on using parentheses and semi-colon. I have highlighted these in green where I have used them as well as other punctuation that I changed because it was used incorrectly. Here is a piece of my writing that shows this.
Leadership is: a skill of being able to motivate people/teams to work towards a goal.The six traits of an effective leader are: integrity, goal focused, trustworthy, active thinker, resilient and motivational. My key leadership role for 2017 is Head Girl. This means that I represent the school to the public, organise student council meetings, open and close school events and be a good role model for others.
Games with minimal or no equipment.
In PE we have been participating in a variety of games that require little or no equipment.
Below is the Matrix which shows our progression in this unit of learning.
The table below shows my understanding of games with minimal or no equipment.
(Fill this table in, in as much detail as possible. )
Examples of Games that need minimal or no equipment.
What equipment would we usually need to play these games.
Why do we play games with minimal or no equipment?
Tag games battleships octopus invisible touch cat and mouse sneak up granny | cones bibs or band whistle | If you only have a small amount of time and don't want to waste it getting gear If you don't have any gear |
My Strengths.
Some things that I have done well during this unit of learning are obeying the rules because I didn't cheat.
My Next Steps.
Some things I could improve on when playing games with minimal or no equipment are think of more ways that we could modify them Because playing it the same way every time would get boring.
Recall commonly used fraction, decimals and percentage conversions
In Maths we have been learning:
- To convert between fractions, decimals , percentages and vice versa.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.
Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.
Here are some images to show the book work I have done.
My next learning step in Maths is TBC
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